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There was a healing meeting in Madison Square Garden every morning, led by the General Overseer. He preached every afternoon and evening for two weeks. The three thousand of Zion Restoration Host visited every home, every store, every office in Greater New York. But interest and attendance dwindled. New York had had its sensation a~ passed on.
Even his long-promised answer to Dr. Henry R. Stanbridge created scarce a ripple. Herbert, hearing it, marveled. Here was the thing he had come to New York to do, and yet he spent half his evening railing at newspapers, and the other half, mainly, calling his enemy names!
This reply to Stanbridge was a mountain laboring a whole year, with three thousand midwives, and bringing forth a mouse.
"Renbrush, I've got to see Doctor Dowie."
"But you know that's impossible, Opperman. He hasn't seen one of the boys since the day he got here."
"I know, but this is different, I think you'll agree with me. I have letters he wrote to his father about his birth and parentage."
"Yes, that is different. I'll call him up."
When the General Overseer answered, Herbert said:
"Mr. Opperman of ‘The World' is in my office. He says he has letters you wrote to Judge Dowie about your birth and parentage."
"You tell Mr. Opperman that if 'The New York World' has stolen or purchased letters from John Murray Dowie and dares to publish them or anything about them, it will have to take the consequences."
The next morning, Monday, "The World" published seven letters written to John Murray Dowie by the General Overseer. At Madison Square Garden that evening Dr. Dowie devoted his entire sermon to these letters.
"These seven letters," he said, "written by me to the wicked coward known by this name have been offered to me for various sums, at various times, and by various blackmailers. Since the infamous 'New York World' has either bought or stolen them and has now published them, it is right that I should tell Zion and the whole world the story of my parentage.
"My mother was a noble woman. She was one of the army of one God. As to John Murray Dowie, he was always cowardly, miserable, and hypocritical. I did not see how I could be his son, for I have never known what fear was.
"As you know, John Murray Dowie lived in my home for years. He pretended to be a faithful member of Zion and at times was permitted to lead meetings. Three years ago he became sick. I prayed for him, but he was not healed. I told him some unconfessed sin stood between him and God's healing power. It was then that he confessed that he had
married my mother in March of 1847 and that I was born in May. He still claimed to be my father, thus throwing filth upon the good name of my mother, his dead wife. Be soon afterward made a foolish marriage and left my roof forever.
"I did not believe him. His confession explained to me many things I had never understood. I began an investigation. It was then I learned all.
"My mother had been a beautiful young girl, daughter of an officer in the British army. She lived with her father at the garrison town where his regiment was stationed. There, because of her beauty and popularity, she was the 'daughter of the regiment' and much sought after. She was entrapped into a Scotch marriage with an officer of that regiment, who was swept away in the Crimean War before I was born.
"This officer's family and her own father browbeat her into marrying John Murray Dowie, who doubtless received his pay, that her son might have a name.
"Papers have come into my hands by means of which that Scotch marriage might have been validated, even at this late day, and I might have claimed successfully that which is my right by blood, but-" tears streamed down the preacher's face while his people wept with him-”I would rather be the despised head of Zion than wear a ducal coronet!"
Herbert had known and liked Judge Dowie, and it hurt him to hear the fine old man called hard names. Worst of all, Judge John Murray Dowie and John Alexander Dowie looked so much alike
that people sometimes mistook one for the other!
A few years· later, meeting the old gentleman in Chicago, Herbert asked him for the truth.
“Ah, puir soul, puir soul," said the judge, “Ah dinna ken however he laid hold on sic' r-rubbish. My dear wife was for-rty-two when he was bor-rn-a widow with several bair-rns when I married on her. 'Tis true her father'd been an ar-r-my officer, but at the time he'd been pensioned off an' kep' a wine shop in Edinburgh. I was muckle younger an' had been takin' lodgin' and boar-rd in her house. Aye, we sinned, but I made her an honest wumman and young John legitimate, as 'twas my Christian duty."
Some members of Zion Restoration Host complained of meals served them at Fred Jeffords's dining-room. They were sent back to Zion City in disgrace, as traitors in the face of the enemy. Next day the General Overseer and his retinue suddenly left the hotel near Central Park because the great man did not like the food-and took several suites at the Fifth Avenue Hotel. It was a hard blow, even to many of the faithful.
During the second week of the New York Visitation Mrs. Dowie, her son Gladstone, and Nancy Harrow sailed to spend part of the winter in Paris. The newspapers reported that they carried with them more than a million dollars in gold. It was insinuated that they had gone to feather a luxurious nest for Dr. Dowie. His New York gamble a heavy loss, and his Zion City enterprise about to collapse, he was charged with planning to make off with such assets as
he could carry. How two women and a youth could carry a million in gold, which weighs more than a ton and a half, was not explained.
The little party sailed with a different plan in view.
The New York Visitation came to its diminished end and Zion Restoration Host returned to Zion City. Tangible results were disappointing. His stakes had been on the wrong card, but Dr. Dowie would Rot admit it.
Throwing good money after bad, he took Carnegie Hall for a week of afternoon and evening appearances. With his usual success in handling politicians, he had two hundred policemen sent to help Zion Guard keep order inside and outside the hall.
When the hour for the first meeting arrived, there were more policemen present than audience. Failure was dismal, complete. To Herbert's surprise, his chief went through that week's thinly attended meetings with more of his old-time vigor and fire than he had shown in the whole fortnight in the bigger building.
A few new members of the Christian Catholic Church in Zion Throughout the World were given the right hand of fellowship. Among them was the Rev. Bartholomew Virrelt, a famous preacher of the Methodist Church, eighty years old and now retired. Dr. Dowie made much of the old gentleman, who seemed a bit dazed by it all.
The General Overseer returned to Zion City in a private car, by way of Washington, where by appointment the preacher had an hour's private talk with President Roosevelt. He told his little party
afterward that the President had promised to do something wonderful for him, but nothing ever came of it. What actually took place at that interview Herbert never knew.
It was already dark on a cold November afternoon, shortly after his return from New York, when Herbert, finishing his day's work, picked up the telephone to answer a ring.
"Hello, Renbrush?"
"This is Jones of ‘The Tribune,'" excitedly. "Say, receivers for Doctor Dowie have just been appointed by the district court."
"You must be mistaken, Jones. We haven't heard a word of it."
"No, I'm not; they're on their way out there now with a gang of lawyers and reporters. Doctor Dowie wasn't served with any papers or cited to appear. Attorneys for the petitioners said he might try to hide out some of the assets. Thought you might like to know, maybe warn the Doctor."
"Thanks very much, Jones. He'll appreciate it, I know."
"Well, what do you think of it anyhow, Renbrush?"
“It's ridiculous, of course. The receivers won't be here long."
"That's what I thought. Well, good-by."
"Good-by, Jones, thank you again."
Herbert immediately telephoned Shiloh House and told his leader the news.
"This is a Masonic conspiracy," declared the head of Zion. "And, like all their wicked attacks, it will fail. Did your friend say when the receivers would arrive at Zion City?"
"No, General Overseer, only that they were on their way."
“Please come to Shiloh House at once."
Snatching up his hat and overcoat, and turning out his lights, Herbert started for Shiloh House, about five hundred yards from the administration building. Despite his own confident reply to Jones and Dr. Dowie's assurance that the attack would fail, he was alarmed.
Colonel Erdman met him at the door of Shiloh House.
“Come into the drawing-room," he said. "The General Overseer's waitin' for Gaines, Halsey, Nolan, Judge Shelbrace, and the heads of departments."
All these arrived within a few minutes, looking pale and solemn.
Dr. Dowie came downstairs and strode into the room beaming.
“Ah, gentlemen," he said, "good evening. You've heard, no doubt, that some foolish perjurers have been giving God and Zion another opportunity to show to the world God's care for Zion and Zion's unconquerable power. I sent for you, not that I might reassure you, for I know your faith in God and your devotion to me and to Zion, but because I have some instructions for you. The receivers and their attorneys will be here in a few minutes. I want you to meet them cordially and to assure them of your hearty
cooperation. They will doubtless come to your places of business to-morrow to take charge in the name of the court. Please give them respectful and instant acquiescence in all they require. I cannot promise, of course, but I confidently hope that you will continue in management, with no abatement of your authority or regular activities. There will be many dirty dogs of the newspapers here this evening and, doubtless, to-morrow. I need not remind you, of course, that while you are to treat them courteously, you must not discuss any of Zion's affairs with them. If any statement is to be made to the press, it will come from me. Please see that these instructions are thoroughly understood and obeyed by all your subordinates."
Hoof-beats and wheels were heard on the drive, a carriage door slammed, and in a moment Colonel Erdman was ushering into the drawing-room four rather perplexed-looking men. The receivers were Arthur J. Upland, vice-president of a Chicago bank, and Elwyn C. Candeloss, an attorney, both men in their early forties, substantial, competent-looking. With them were their lawyers, Horace Danwell, a pompous man of sixty or more, and Terrence O'Brien-shrewd, wide-awake, self-confident, dynamic.
The General Overseer advanced to meet them with outstretched hand and his most winning smile.
"I am delighted to meet you in my home," he said. "It is a cold night and you must have had a wearisome trip out here, coming on a local train. Leaving the city when you did must have interfered with your dinner hour. I myself have not dined. Shall we postpone
business until after we have had some refreshment?”
The four murmured their thanks and their acceptance.
Herbert marveled at his chief. These receivers, sent to snatch his beloved city from him, might have been ambassadors from an emperor, bearing gifts. He discussed with them questions of statecraft and finance, not oracularly, as when entertaining his own important men, but with deference to their knowledge and opinions. He encouraged them to humor and laughed at their jokes. For once, at least, he was an eager listener, flattering, not in words, but in attention. Mindful of his obligations as host, he encouraged his associates to talk. Judge Shelbrace told some of his drollest stories. Forgetting his anxieties, Deacon Gaines was almost his usual jolly self. Deacon Lucas contributed some of his dry, British jests to the occasion, and the sly, laconic wit of Deacon Singster sometimes set the table in an uproar. The dinner itself, as always at Shiloh House, was excellent.
Reluctantly they left the table and returned slowly through the big reception hall into the drawing-room, all busily talking and laughing. When they were seated, Dr. Dowie said: "Well, gentlemen, I suppose you have some papers for me to read. We may as well get that over."
"Yes, Doctor," agreed O'Brien, "there are papers it is our duty to present."
He drew from his bag a big manila envelope, tied with pink tape, and opening it took out several documents. He handed these to the General Overseer one
by one, briefly explaining the nature of each. The doctor read these carefully without comment, and passed them over to Judge Shelbrace. The judge examined them and then handed them back to O'Brien.
"Now, gentlemen," said the General Overseer, UI regret that I have not enough room in my house to put you up for the night. But I have instructed Deacon Jeffords, manager of Elijah Hospice, to prepare for you his best accommodations. I hope you will be comfortable there. Do not hesitate to make your wants known to him or to me. When you are ready, to-morrow morning, you will find Deacon Gaines at his office in the administration building. He will cooperate fully with you in every way, in whatever you may wish to do. My carriage will be at your disposal whenever you want to visit any of our factories or offices. If at any time you wish to communicate with me, he will arrange it. These other gentlemen have also been instructed to render you any assistance in their power."
As his guests passed out, Dr. Dowie shook hands with them, giving each some special, fitting word. Without seeming to do so, he kept O'Brien until everyone else had gone. Taking the clever Irishman's hand, he closed the door and drew him toward the stairway, saying, “It might be mutually profitable, Mr. O'Brien, for you and me to have a little private conference of our own."
"It might, Doctor," answered the lawyer.
They went up to the doctor's study, where they talked for an hour. Then O'Brien came out and Colonel Erdman escorted him over to Elijah Hospice.
Herbert learned next morning that the receivership had been· granted on petition of obscure creditors whose total claims amounted to a little more than $1,100. What or who inspired them to this drastic move was not disclosed.
The receivers and their attorneys spent next morning with Deacon Gaines and Halsey and Judge Shelbrace in the general financial manager's office. After lunch at Elijah Hospice, they took the General Overseer's carriage and, accompanied by Deacon Gaines, made the rounds of Zion's Institutions and Industries. At each they soothingly told the manager to go right ahead with his work as if nothing had happened, sending requisitions for supplies to the general financial manager for approval as usual.
Next day was spent in Chicago with a hastily organized committee representing Zion's creditors on open accounts, and secured creditors, these being holders of mortgages given when the land was purchased. Another class of creditors, those who had purchased "stock" in Zion's Institutions and Industries, depositors in Zion City Bank, and holders of Dr. Dowie's personal notes, were not represented except unofficially by Judge Shelbrace. These latter creditors, of course, were practically all members of the Christian Catholic Church in Zion.
The great majority of Zion was exultant. To them this was but another foolish attack by Zion's enemies. When it had been swiftly repulsed, Zion would be stronger, more triumphant than ever. All the world would know her power.
Some were frightened--or they knew too much-and slipped quietly out of Zion.
Scarcely heard, hissed an undercurrent of whispers -from hiding traitors who were disloyal but afraid to leave.
To many young people the incident was a lark.
Herbert could not take his place among those who slipped quietly away. He did not, however, find himself among the light-hearted. To him a receivership was like an attack of pneumonia-you never could foresee what complications might set in.
He had met the receivers several times. They were quiet, businesslike men. They said little. While he was not in the confidence of Dr. Dowie and Deacon Gaines as to the finances of Zion, he could and did meet the general financial manager daily and observe the effect of this receivership upon that jolly gentleman's looks and manners. He could see that his good friend's confidence and cheerfulness were less than skin-deep. Herbert saw pallor, shadows under those kindly eyes, unsteady hands, and a drawn, haggard look when the face was caught off-guard, without its smile. He saw, too, the nervous irritability of Deacon Halsey, although the banker tried to keep it hidden.
All these things troubled Herbert. But the specter that drove him out to battle with the November gales until he was exhausted, that rode his shoulders plying a scourge, that sat grinning and mouthing horribly upon his chest at night when he tried to sleep, was the thought that he, Herbert Renbrush,
had urged thousands of people to invest their all in Zion and that 'they might lose it.
This continued for a week. The receivers were in Zion City some of the time. Their accountants and those of the committee of creditors were going over the books. No attempt was made to interfere with Dr. Dowie's management and no intimation given of their purpose or purposes. Toward the end of the week they told Deacon Gaines that they were going into court next day to make a report and that important action might be taken. Herbert went to Chicago with other leaders. On the train going in, the little party of Zion executives kept assuring one another of their faith in God and in His goodness to their General Overseer and Zion, but they were as nervous as a flock of old maids in a canoe.
The court-room was crowded. The newspapers, which always kept at least one eye upon the infallible source of news, Dr. Dowie, had told, the public that his fate might be settled that morning, and hundreds of people wanted to be in at the death-if death it should prove to be. The Zion party had met Terrence O'Brien in the elevator and he found seats for them inside the railing.
Herbert saw the receivers, imperturbable as ever, sitting at a table with their attorneys. A number of newspaper men he knew waved friendly greetings to him and he waved back, smiling as best he could.
The judge came in, looking bored, every one stood, a bailiff chanted his sing-song call, the judge banged on a block of granite with his gavel, and everybody sat down. Several lawyers rushed to the judge's desk
and talked privately with him. One by one he got rid of them. Reading from his calendar, he called several cases. Lawyers standing inside the railing answered and dates for trial were set, cases postponed or laid over to the next term. Then he called the Dowie case. Herbert's heart jumped and he began to sweat. The other Zion men stirred in their seats.
Attorney O'Brien rose.
"If Your Honor please," he said, "the receivers appointed by the court proceeded immediately to Zion City where Doctor Dowie lives and where most of the real and personal property involved is located. They were freely given every facility to examine this unique and very considerable institution-or rather group of institutions. Doctor Dowie's secured creditors and creditors on open accounts met with us next day and a committee was formed to protect their interests. I have here the report of these receivers, with their recommendations, which I will read if Your Honor so desires, but I- may say, for the sake of brevity, that they have found Doctor Dowie strongly solvent. His assets, very conservatively appraised, amount to more than fourteen million dollars over and above all his liabilities of every kind. It is the opinion of the receivers that he is far more able to conduct this enterprise, expand it, and make it profitable than anyone else.
"I therefore move on behalf of the receivers-and this motion is favored by the committee of creditors -that the assets in this case be returned to Doctor Dowie and the receivers discharged."
It was all over in a few minutes. An attorney for
the committee of creditors confirmed what Attorney O'Brien had said, the court asked a few perfunctory questions, and then granted the motion and dismissed the case.
Herbert and his companions went over and shook hands with the receivers and their attorneys, thanking them; Judge Shelbrace rushed out to telephone the General Overseer; all expressed their total lack of surprise to reporters who flocked around them, and then started gaily back to Zion City.