2) Why, if it is becoming a child of God, is it called salvation?
3) How do I know when I am saved?
4) What if I have a strong spirit now? Do I still need to believe in Jesus?
A) First test: Prove you are the Son of God
B) Second test: What authority do you possess as Son of God
C) Third test: Worship me in order to receive power and authority
2) How do demons gain access into man?
D) Listening and adhering to lies
a) How do I know that I have truth?
b) What if I have an unbelieving mind that is not coming to real truth?
3) What do demons possess, my spirit, soul, or body?
B) Why do demons return after being cast out?
D) Don't make promises you don't intend to keep
A) Praise God for His deliverance
B) Daily spend time in prayer and reading
D) Don't allow that sin to reign
E) Do not be discouraged if people don't believe you
8) Some concerns about casting out of demons
A) Cast them out when the opportunity arises
B) Dramatics are not necessary in casting out demons
C) Don't think bad about your Christian brothers or sisters who are bound
2) How to use our faith for healing
Steps to take in order to be healed
1) What does scripture say about healing?
2) What do I believe about healing?
6) Cast down every thought that isn't of God
7) Stay clear of doubt and unbelief
8) Fellowship with people of faith
9) Do not look at the physical symptoms as the reality
10) Expect God to release life through His Spirit in you
11) Lay your hands on yourself
12) Never give up, never surrender!
Other things we should know about healing
1) How to minister to an unconscious person
2) What to do if a loved one is on their death bed
5) Demonic possession and healing
Spirit Anointing
The Spirit-In-You vs. the Spirit-On-You
3) Power to minister in the gifts
4) Ability to know what we are called to and thus know our place in the body
7) Workers of miracles (power)
8) Various tongues and interpretation of tongues
A) Is tongues the only evidence of Spirit anointing?
Major problems concerning the gifted in the Church today
2) Submit to leadership or God?
5) When to leave a Church to avoid conflict
6) Dealing with doubt and unbelief of others
7) Last words on the Spirit-on-us
Spiritual authority
What is the relationship between power and authority
How is spiritual authority acquired?
Paradox of positional authority
Authority over a gift, a truth, an office or a geographical area
Five ways authorities use to control others
2) Shutting down others by manipulating their spirit
3) Straightening out others by verbal rebuke
4) Isolating others by bad mouthing them
5) Prophesying doom over those who will not do what we want
Are we to push our authority forward?
Last words on spiritual authority
The Ultimate Purpose of God
1) God reveals His plan in Adam
2) The creation of Eve and the ultimate purpose.
A) The bride in the Old Testament
B) The bride in the New Testament
C) What is the bride of the Lamb?
4) God’s called ones through the ages.
A) First dispensation (Innocence)
D) Fourth dispensation (Millennial Reign)
5) The Church age connection to the Bride
7) A look at the New Jerusalem
John Alexander Dowie by Rolvix Harlan
Dowie Anointed by the Lord by Arthur Newcomb
Part 1 RISE
Part 3 FALL