Lot and his family
It really isn’t clear why the angels who destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah delivered Lot and his family from that destruction. While we can see Lot showing concern for the angels when they entered the city we cannot conclude by this that Lot was righteous and deserved to be delivered. The scriptures state, GEN 19:29 Thus it came about, when God destroyed the cities of the valley, that God remembered Abraham, and sent Lot out of the midst of the overthrow, when He overthrew the cities in which Lot lived. Does this scripture mean that Lot was delivered only because of being a nephew of Abraham? Could it be more likely that both are true? Lot’s authority or lack of authority can easily be seen in the story about their deliverance from the city.
It was evening when the two angels arrived at the city and Lot happened to be sitting at the gate of Sodom. The fact that Lot was sitting at the gate may be an indicator that Lot had attained some status in the city. Lot noticed these two men and pressed them into staying with him for the night. Before they retired for the night the men of Sodom surrounded Lot’s house and demanded that Lot bring out these visitors to them so they may sexually molest them. We know that these two angels went to Sodom to assess the moral condition and determine if the area needed to be destroyed. Scripture states that, GEN 19:4 Before they lay down, the men of the city, the men of Sodom, surrounded the house, both young and old, all the people from every quarter. If this is true that all the people from every quarter of the city came to sexually abuse these angels then what did these same men do to Lot when he arrived in the city? It is hard to believe they just ignored Lot and his family when they were newcomers. It is possible that Lot arrived in the city before the corruption was as severe as it is now. We are not told if there were any transgressions to Lot’s family but we do know the city and the kings of the cities owed their gratitude to Lot’s uncle Abraham. It was Abraham that delivered Lot and his house from King Chedorlaomer (Gen 14:9) but he also delivered the kings, the people and all the goods of Sodom and Gomorrah.
We must ask why would Lot stay in an area where the people where so corrupt that they deserved to be judged by God and destroyed? Is Lot the least bit righteous? Lot did compel the angels to stay with him and not in the streets; however, Lot did not know they were angels. Yet when confronted with the mob, Lot suggests they abuse his virgin daughters freely and forget about the men. Why would Lot allow such a vile thing be done to them? In the midst of this conflict Lot does declare to them that what they want to do is wicked (Gen 19:7) and they respond by stating the fact that he came to them as an alien and now he wants to be a judge over them. The men of the city turn their hate toward Lot and threaten to abuse him worse than they intended to do toward these angels. This is when the angels intervene and reveal who they are. The angels tell Lot to gather all his family together, including son-in-laws, and get out of the city. When Lot goes to his son-in-laws to be and attempts to convince them that they need to listen to him they believe Lot is jesting. (Gen 19:14) This very statement gives us insight into who Lot was. Lot goes to the boys who were to marry his daughters and they think he is just joking around. Is Lot just a joker? One who is not really serious about anything? If he were a serious kind of guy, would not those who knew him, know that he doesn’t joke around? But if he were a joker, it would be hard to believe that Lot was actually being serious. This is the case with these son-in-laws; they think Lot is just kidding them.
There is more that we can learn about Lot. GEN 19:15 And when morning dawned, the angels urged Lot, saying, "Up, take your wife and your two daughters, who are here, lest you be swept away in the punishment of the city." Lot saw firsthand the power of the angels when they blinded the men the night before and he was told that they were going to destroy the city, that is why he went to his son-in-laws. These angels tell Lot get your wife and daughters and get going lest you get judged along with this city. So what does Lot do? GEN 19:16 But he hesitated.... What person in their right mind after being warned about the destruction of the city would hesitate? What are you hesitating for? Do you not believe them? Do you think they are lying to you? You should be moving as fast as you can with no questions asked. These angels had to grab hold of Lot and his family and drag them out of the city. This, more than anything else, illustrates what kind of people Lot and his family were. Lot was worldly and he loved the worldliness of the city. He loved it so much he did not want to leave, even though it would cost him his life.
Once out of the city the angels again told him to run for his life and not turn back or stop in the valley anywhere lest they be destroyed with the cities. Instead of obeying the voice of the angels, Lot again hesitates and begins bargaining with them. I personally believe that Lot is deceived into thinking that he and his family are being delivered from this city based on their own righteous standing before God. The evidence of Lot’s thinking is seen in this scripture. GEN 19:19 "Now behold, your servant has found favor in your sight, and you have magnified your lovingkindness, which you have shown me by saving my life.... Lot believes that he has found favor in the sight of God but it is not true. The angels are under orders to remove Lot and his family for the sake of Abraham. This is why the angels tolerate Lots antics instead of leaving him to be destroyed.
Further evidence of the corruption of Lot and his family is seen when his wife turns back and looks at the city being destroyed and is turned into a pillar of salt. Excuses, delays and disobedience are no longer tolerated for judgment upon the unrighteous has already started and extended to Lot’s wife. Lot’s daughters even devise a plan to be impregnated by their very own father which again illustrates corruption. This foolish plan ends up producing two races that give Israel trouble during their history. The races that come from Lot’s grandchildren are the Ammonites and the Moabites (Gen 19:37-38). We must never assume that because we are delivered from some situation that it is somehow based on our relationship with God because it may not be. God honors those that walk before Him in dedication. God will deliver those we are concerned about from all kinds of evil because of our relationship to Him and not based on theirs. So God delivered Lot because of Abraham’s authority within the spiritual realm. GEN 19:29 Thus it came about, when God destroyed the cities of the valley, that God remembered Abraham, and sent Lot out of the midst of the overthrow....